As a small child growing up, I remember how my parents always watched over me and protected me. As a young parent, I recall approaching a busy street with my son, extending my hand and saying, “Take my hand, and look both ways.”
We learn to trust based on relationships where trust plays a role. In a parent-child relationship, trust is built from day one and grows over time as love is shared and reinforced. In a government-citizen relationship, trust is assumed—we elect individuals whom we believe will act in our best interests, uphold their promises, and protect our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. One of the affirmations of this trust is cemented in our minds when we hear an elected official swear an oath before God, pledging to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Five years ago, we the people were asked to trust our government when we were told: “Take this shot, and do not worry about any side effects.” That moment will forever mark a massive shift in our reality, in our trust, and in our relationship with those in power—a shift that will impact generations to come. This is not to say that millions of Americans didn’t already have faith in our government, or that conspiracy theories weren’t already circulating. But in that moment, suspicions about elected officials using their positions for personal gain, consolidating power, or misleading the public finally reached a breaking point. What once seemed like theories became real concerns for the majority of Americans, and today represent a nightmare for millions of us.
Today, we find ourselves in a paradigm shift—one where TRUST is no longer an automatic element of a relationship. Instead, it has become a ‘Wait and See’ approach, at least where the government, food manufacturers, big tech, and pharmaceutical companies are concerned.
One area where trust has all but disappeared is in legacy media, where it is no longer even a ‘wait and see’ situation. We know they are biased—bought and paid for by special interests and powerful elites.
This morning, as I began my day with prayer and meditation, I glanced at my phone and noticed incoming news updates. Next to it was another smart device used for medical functions, which also receives news feeds. As I reached to silence both devices to avoid interruptions, I noticed something peculiar—the headlines on one phone painted the government in a positive light, while the other took an almost doomsday approach.
Of course, we all know that news outlets today cater to different audiences—some lean right, some lean left. But as I placed the phones side by side and scrolled through article after article, video after video, I had a Twilight Zone moment. It felt like I was looking at two completely different versions of America. It reminded me of an old Star Trek episode depicting alternate realities of Earth.
With such starkly opposing narratives, is it any wonder that when a Republican speaks to a Democrat, they often walk away shaking their heads, wondering what planet the other is living on—and what, exactly, they must be smoking?
Finding Common Ground Again
I for one, being raised in a family with close friends/family in both state and federal elected government offices, remember a time—not too long ago—when Democrats and Republicans could sit across from one another, debate issues, and still walk away with mutual respect. Differences of opinion were not seen as an attack on one’s character, but rather as the foundation of a healthy democracy. Today, that respect and open dialogue have all but disappeared, replaced by division, hostility, and an “us vs. them” mentality that is counterproductive and, frankly, destructive to the very fabric of our nation. If we are to move forward as Americans, we must find our way back to the center—a place where disagreements are met with discussion, not disdain, and where unity is valued over party loyalty.
Right now, we have a new administration in office. A President and cabinet that, by all accounts, are delivering exactly what they promised. Four years ago, those on the left asked the right to “wait and see” what the former administration could do to Build Back Better. The right waited. And we saw. Now, the right is asking the left for that same courtesy—to wait, to see, and to allow the current administration time to fulfill its promises. The American people, both through the Electoral College and the popular vote, made a choice. We owe it to ourselves and to one another to give that choice the opportunity to unfold before rushing to judgment.
Perhaps the best way to do this is by simply turning off the noise. For the next six months, challenge yourself to step away from the constant stream of media—no left-leaning outrage, no right-leaning conspiracies, just life. Focus on your family, your community, and the real world around you. Then, in six months, take a fresh, unbiased look at what has been accomplished.

Most of us, regardless of party affiliation, want the same things: safe neighborhoods, good schools, affordable food, effective law enforcement, fair elections, freedom of speech, privacy and protection over our homes, and public servants who work for us, not themselves. These are not Republican or Democratic ideals—they are American values. If we can set aside our differences long enough to recognize our shared goals, we may just find that trust—though shaken—is not beyond repair.
I close with this: God created man in His own image, with the intention that we live in peace and love one another. Satan’s design for this world is the opposite. So, ask yourself—who or what is driving the division among God’s children? And which side of good versus evil do you choose to stand on? The choice is clear. Just don’t allow the legacy media to make it for you.
To my friends and visitors here, may God’s blessings of peace, good health and happiness fill your life. Wayne Warrington