But Together, We Can Win the War!
In America, and in many countries around the world, we find ourselves in a state of virtual civil war—not with foreign enemies, but among our very own neighbors and even within our own families. This deep division didn’t happen overnight, nor did it emerge through logical progression within the framework of our country’s model or design. Instead, the condition we find ourselves in mirrors the stated objectives of two powerful outside forces, both harboring ill intentions toward the people of the United States of America.
The Communist Infiltration: A Silent War
In the 1960s, a Communist manifesto was read into the Congressional Record, revealing a chilling blueprint to destroy America from within, without ever firing a shot. The strategy was not to attack America’s military might or economic prowess directly but to infiltrate and undermine its institutions—education, courts, political bodies, media, and entertainment. This slow, methodical approach aimed to erode the foundations of American society, culture, and governance from the inside out.
Ronald Reagan: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Over the past 60 years, we have witnessed the gradual realization of these objectives. Our educational institutions, once proud bastions of independent thought and free inquiry, have become battlegrounds for ideological indoctrination. Our courts and political bodies, designed to serve the interests of the people, now often reflect the agendas of those with anti-American sentiments. Media and entertainment, which should foster diverse perspectives and dialogue, frequently promote narratives that undermine our values and sow discord.
These developments represent “the battles we have lost.” The steady advance of these objectives, unchecked and largely unnoticed, has brought us to a critical juncture. It is a silent war, fought not with guns and bombs, but with ideas, influence, and propaganda.
The Financial Elites: A Parallel Threat
During this same period in the 1960s, another faction with its own sinister designs also targeted America. This group, comprising powerful bankers and financial elites, has for centuries controlled governments and countries through the manipulation of financial markets and even the funding of wars. Their goal is not merely to profit from global conflict and economic turmoil but to reshape the world according to their vision—one in which they hold absolute power.
Henry Ford – “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
Today, we see the disturbing realization of this vision. The middle class, particularly the entrepreneurial and small business class that has been the backbone of American prosperity and innovation, is under siege. The concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few “super elite” is reaching unprecedented levels. The economic policies and practices being pushed forward seem designed to dismantle the economic freedoms that have defined the American Dream. The ultimate objective appears to be the creation of a two-tiered society: the super-wealthy elite who own and control all land, resources, governments, and energy, and a worker class who “own nothing and are happy,” as envisioned in their dystopian ideal.
The Modern Manifesto: The WEF and the 2030 Agenda
Compounding these threats is the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) 2030 agenda, which promotes a global economic “reset.” This agenda appears to align disturbingly with the goals of both the Communist infiltrators and the financial elites. The WEF advocates for a future where traditional notions of ownership, privacy, and personal autonomy are radically redefined. Under the guise of sustainability and economic fairness, their agenda pushes for centralized control over resources and energy, increased surveillance, and diminished national sovereignty.
This agenda’s implications for the American way of life are profound. Our cherished values of individual freedom, private property, and self-governance—enshrined in the U.S. Constitution—are directly threatened by these globalist ambitions. If left unchecked, these forces could fundamentally alter the nature of our Republic and Democracy, transforming us into a nation that bears little resemblance to the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Thomas Jefferson: “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
Restoring the Health of Our Nation: A New Path Forward
One of the most encouraging developments in recent times is the emergence of the UNITY alliance, championed by President Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. this month. This alliance, aimed at uniting the American people for a healthier future, is both inspiring and timely. With Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s unwavering commitment to reversing America’s alarming health decline, there is hope for building a stronger, healthier nation—starting with our children and grandchildren.
America’s declining health is not a natural occurrence; it is a direct consequence of the powerful elite’s control over our food supply, farms, and ranches. They have redesigned even our basic food pyramid in ways that promote early onset of diabetes and obesity. Today, America is the unhealthiest among the most advanced nations in the world. We consume more pharmaceutical drugs per capita than any other country, and our fast food and processed foods are loaded with chemicals rather than natural ingredients.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “The greatest crisis that America faces today is the chronic disease epidemic in children. The sickest generation in American history. My generation, when I was a kid, 6% of Americans had chronic disease, by 1986, 12.8%. Today, 54% of children have chronic disease, and none of these disorders are genetic. They’re caused by environmental exposures.”
Instead of embracing the natural, God-given design of the human body and advocating for wholesome foods and natural remedies to address illnesses and bodily imbalances, Western medicine often takes a different approach. Doctors in our healthcare system frequently prescribe medications that merely mask symptoms, rather than promoting true healing. This has led to a healthcare industry that dominates our family budgets and seems more focused on maintaining dependency on hospitals, pharmaceuticals, and ongoing medical care rather than empowering individuals to heal themselves through proven, natural methods.
While there is no doubt that Western medicine has made significant advancements, particularly in emergency care and the treatment of injuries, it is crucial to recognize that the overall health and healing of our bodies can—and should—be nurtured through natural processes. The key to a healthy body lies in achieving a balanced state of homeostasis. As Americans, we must reclaim our right to choose the types of treatment and healing methods we prefer, including alternative medicine practices that support genuine healing rather than merely masking pain with drugs.
My goal, as a consumer advocate, is to challenge and rein in the power and oversight of the FDA, which has often been misused to suppress natural healing methods and alternative medical protocols. These methods have proven their worth time and again, providing positive health benefits to people around the world. By supporting the UNITY alliance and its vision for a healthier America, we can not only reclaim our nation’s health but also take a significant step toward winning the broader war against those forces that seek to undermine our freedoms and way of life.
I find it curious that the Biden-Harris administration has proposed several measures to reduce drug costs for Americans, including Medicare Drug Price Negotiation, Inflation Rebates, Expanding Access to Affordable Medications and more, yet nothing, no positive movement to realigning America’s focus from popping pills, to addressing the root cause of illness (i.e. processed foods, chemical additives to our natural food supply). Let’s call it like it is … there is no profit from achieving a healthy population, to the major donors of politicians that control our food chain. To me this is one of the biggest crimes of all.

The Call to Action: Winning the War
But all is not lost. While they may have won several battles, the war is far from over, while they have brought the battles to our cities and towns such as Aurora Colorado, it is far from being over. It is time for Americans to wake up, recognize the threats before us, and rally together to defend our country. This battle is not just about protecting our borders or our economy; it is about preserving our culture, our freedoms, and our way of life.
We must recommit ourselves to the principles that have made America great—faith, family, hard work, and freedom. We must take back our institutions, reclaim our culture, and restore our Republic to its foundational values.
Let us not be lulled into complacency by the comforts of modern life or the promises of utopian visions. Let us instead be vigilant, informed, and proactive. Together, we can win this war—not just for ourselves, but for future generations of Americans who deserve to inherit a nation that remains a beacon of hope, liberty, and opportunity.
The fight is not over. They may have won the battle, but with courage, unity, and determination, we can and will win the war.
Wishing all my family, friends and supportive members of God’s FarSuperior Community, peace, happiness and great health.