
John Alexandrov
CEO and Author of Affirmations of Wealth
“As an entrepreneur, simply put, Wayne is a visionary. Wayne’s greatest works however
comes as a humanitarian, having raised millions of dollars for countless charities across the

Phoenix Business Journal
Local Media
“Calling Wayne Warrington a private investigator is like calling filet mignon mere meat. His
clients include some of Phoenix’s largest businesses.”

Steven Stern
CEO My Retirement Direct
“I now see the tremendous benefit of using LostMoney.com which clears through much of
the red tape and hurdles...”

Hon.Barry M. Goldwater, Jr.
U.S Congressman
“I have found Wayne’s Intuition always on target, his approach to matters structured
towards a positive bottom line and most importantly I have enjoyed working with him. He
was always there day or night for us.”

Bill P.
Consumer, Arizona
“May wages had been wrongfully garnished by the government. With one letter from
Wayne Warrington, addressed to the right person, my problem had stopped, and I was
promptly reimbursed for the monies owed me.

Daune Thompson
Success Coach, Trainer, Speaker
“Wayne’s dedication to improving the lives of others is applaudable.”
Connect with Wayne
Connect with Wayne to tap into his expertise and preserve your rights. Benefit from his guidance on consumer protection, financial choices, and freedom to make informed decisions about your health and well-being.